Kylexlau's Weblog







Larry Wall认为可以用许多不同的方法,去完成同一件事情。显然,我是更认同Perl的哲学的。

Ruby的格言是,程序员之友(A Programmer’s Best Friend)。Ruby是以人为中心,为程序员的方便而创造的编程语言。





  • DHH: I learned Ruby by programming in anger. Attempting to make something real. Not just a toy program.
  • David Black: I learned ruby via pickaxe and lots of practice and both reading and answering questions on ruby-talk.
  • Evan Phoenix: reading code WHILE writing code
  • Yehuda Katz: I tried impossibly hard things to force myself to learn.
  • Laurent Sansonetti: I learned ruby via pickaxe, reading the posts on ruby-talk and then reading MRI’s source code
  • Ninh Bui: I was quite a java fanboy back, writing struts + j2ee enterprise apps, Hongli forced me to look at Ruby over a weekend and I learned the Ruby basics. I then learned Rails by googling, reading books and source code.
  • Tim Connor: the rails community habit of obsessively blogging was probably the biggest help
  • Lar Van Der Jagt: Ryan Bates’s railscasts for sure. The Rails Way once I knew enough to dig deeper. What I wish I’d done tho is work with experts!
  • Arun Gupta: The Rails guides and Agile Development with Rails book.
  • Geoffrey Grosenbach: After I had read a few tutorials, I started by spending a few hours reading through the API docs. Even if you don’t understand everything, it’s a fantastic way to become familiar with what’s available.
  • Nate Todd: I learned MVC with a few CakePHP apps first. It helped me learn best practices in a language I was familiar with.
  • Chris Wanstrath: I learned Ruby on Rails by writing apps and reading the framework’s source.



  • Bob Martens: Get involved in the community in some way. They know more than you. ;)
  • Ismael Celis: understanding the relationship between the parts of MVC. Loads of people coming to Rails don’t know what a design pattern is.
  • @jeromegn: I find the best trick to learn RoR is to simply try building something. Rails docs and learning Ruby in parallel helped me the most
  • @johnbender: knowing why instance vars are available in templates, etc. Essentially knowing the basics of ruby would be my initial advice
  • @ryandotsmith: writers read. Find popular projects on github (i.e. radiant ) and study their specs.
  • Sunil Karkera: understanding MVC in Rails was the most important thing for me when I started.
  • Luke Burton: basic screencasts showing something impressive being achieved in small amounts of code were a great start
  • DHH: Pick a real project and program in anger. That’s how I’d recommend learning any language including Rails and Ruby.
  • Anthony Green: Accept that there’s a Rails Way and you need to learn it. What helped me most ? - the community.
  • Kent Fenwick: Learn by doing a REAL project. Pick something you want to build and slowly chip away at it.
  • Trevor Turk: learn by reading and writing codes meaning you should try to build something you want instead of dumbly following tutorials.
  • Ryan Bates: Rails is made up of many technologies (HTML, CSS, Ruby, OOP, SQL, etc.). If you’re struggling with Rails, focus on weakest part.
  • Geoffrey Grosenbach: And there are many examples throughout that will help a new developer get a feel for the philosophy of Rails. Many people have learned from the Rails from Scratch series at PeepCode
  • @eifon: A good grasp of MVC is invaluable as is knowing some Ruby before you start.
  • John Yerhot: don’t be afraid to ask questions and use support channels - irc, mail list, rails bridge, etc.
  • Roy Wright: use the same version of rails as is in the book you are using.
  • @brianthecoder: read other people’s code
  • Ninh Bui: I learned by having discussions with a lot of people, I can definitely recommend that
  • Chris Wanstrath: Stop asking other people for advice and start coding something.



  • 自己写代码最重要。
  • 读别人的代码其次。
  • 理解MVC是什么也很重要。


How Person 和 Why Person

  • How Person: 喜欢问要怎样做的人。别人做一遍给他看,他就学会了。
  • Why Person: 喜欢问是为什么的人。首先得理解了为什么要那样做,然后才能去做。

How Person应该看railscasts,读Ruby on Rails Guides。还有这里

Why Person应该读Ruby Programming LanguageThe Well-Grounded Rubyist, aka Ruby for Rails 2nd edition

我自觉是Why Person。但是看视频和例子,对我也很有帮助。


  • The Ruby Way for Why Person
  • The Rails Way for How Person





  • 会写测试吗?
  • 会自己写Rails插件吗?
  • 会打gem包吗?
  • Javascript技术熟不熟悉?
  • CSS呢?
  • 数据库技术呢?







这时你应该去试着改善Ruby 1.9,以及其他的Ruby实现,如JRuby,IronRuby,MacRUby和Rubinius。你还应该贡献点代码给Rails 3了。

